About Us
Immersive Denver is a community arts organization dedicated to supporting and cultivating immersive arts and entertainment in the greater metro Denver area through education, community building, community resources, and artist advocacy. Our mission is to connect the Mile High creative community and generate new audiences and opportunities for regional immersive experiences.
Immersive art distinguishes itself by its capacity to fully envelop and engage the audience within the artwork itself, often breaking down traditional boundaries between observer and participant. Unlike other art forms, immersive art places the audience at the center of the experience, often engaging multiple senses and giving them a more active role. This dynamic interaction encourages viewers to explore and interpret the artwork in personal, meaningful ways, fostering a deeper emotional and intellectual connection.
Educational Events
Ever since our inaugural Denver Immersive Summit, we’ve hosted talks, workshops, and special events in collaboration with immersive creators and community partners. Many of our educational events create opportunities for regional professionals to share their own expertise with one another, although we also design events where our community can learn from critically acclaimed creators around the world.
Our monthly production listings newsletter is Colorado’s go-to resource for information about upcoming regional experiential productions. We also produce a special creators edition with opportunities, resources, and food for thought for immersive producers and performers and a playtesting listserv through which we help producers find test audiences for their shows.
Prior to the pandemic, we hosted regular happy hours and special preview or post-show gatherings where professionals from across a multitude of experiential arts could meet each other and connect. Our immersive design sprints are also designed to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration in service of boundary-pushing experiential event design.
Online resources
Drawing from our own experience and the knowledge shared at our events, we build resource guides open to all to support the creation of innovative, sustainable experiential art, with an emphasis on access and equity for and by all.
Immersive Denver Leadership

Christine Woods
Executive Director

David Thomas, PhD
Co-founder and Board Chair

Lisa Kaselak
Board Secretary

Charlie Miller
Board Treasurer